Further configurations

After you’ve installed the app and made an entry in the INSTALLED_APPS of your project settings, there are things that you still need to know about.

If you are planning to handle things over AJAX, make sure you run this command before starting to hack the app:

$ python manage.py collectstatic

This will copy notifyX.js and notifyX.min.js to your static root directory.

The notifyX.js file handles all the AJAX related actions ranging from marking notifications as read/unread to fetching new notifications and updating the notification box.

Now, include the notifyX.js static file in your base template.:

{% load staticfiles %}
<script src="{% static "notify/notifyX.js" %}"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="{% static "notify/notifyX.min.js" %}"></script>


The other file, notifyX.min.js is a minified version of notifyX.js. It is intended work the same as the original file. The advantage of a minified javascript file is that it removes unnecessary things and ultimately reduces the size of the final file with same functionality.


Make sure you include notifyX.js after you’ve included latest JQuery javascript file. This script uses JQuery to handle AJAX calls and DOM manipulation. It will break if JQuery is not included before it.

Project level settings

All the settings defined below will mostly be used when making AJAX calls and DOM manipulations. These settings will be supplied to include_notify_js_variables template tag for JS inclusion.

The settings will be represented in the following way

Description for the project level setting.
Whether to do delete notifications softly or not.
Class selector of element containing list of notification elements.
Class selector of individual notification elements.
NOTIFY_NF_BOX_CLASS_SELECTOR (.notification-box-list)
Class selector of element containing list of notification elements on notification box.
Class selector of individual notification-box elements.
NOTIFY_MARK_NF_CLASS_SELECTOR (.mark-notification)
Class selector for sub-element of notification element performing mark as read/unread action. This will be same for both, full page notifications as well as notification box on the navbar.
NOTIFY_MARK_ALL_NF_CLASS_SELECTOR (.mark-all-notifications)
Class selector for sub-element of notification element performing mark_all as read/unread action.
Class of parent notification element when its status is read.
Class of parent notification element when its status is unread.
NOTIFY_DELETE_NF_CLASS_SELECTOR (.delete-notification)
Class selector for sub-element of notification element performing delete action.
Time interval (in ms) between ajax calls for notification update.